soil mineralogy

Study of the formation, occurrence, properties, composition, and classification of the minerals present in the soil. (Source: BJGEOa)

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Displaying results 1 - 6 of 6 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Mills AJ, Fey MV, Gröngröft A, Petersen A, Medinski TV 2006. Unravelling the effects of soil properties on water infiltration: Segmented quantile regression on a large data set from arid south-west Africa. Australian Journal of Soil Research 44 (8) 783 - 797
Heine K, Völkel J 2010. Soil clay minerals in Namibia and their significance for the terrestrial and marine past global change Research. African Study Monographs 40 31-50
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