A two-dimensional representation that shows the areal extent or the distribution of soils in relation to other features of the land surface. (Source: ALL)

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Displaying results 1 - 5 of 5 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
2002. 2.20 Dominant soils in Namibia.
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Fig 2.20 Dominant soils in Namibia.zip 143.89 KB
Kutuahupira JT, Mouton HD, Coetzee ME 2001. Soil survey of Mahenene Research Station. Agricola 12 61 - 68
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Soil survey of Mahenene Research Station_2001.pdf 5.54 MB
Coetzee ME 2000. Mapping the soils of Namibia.
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Spotlight_028.pdf 2.74 MB