
The zone of unconsolidated material that extends landward from the low water-line to where there is marked change in material or physiographic form or to the line of permanent vegetation. (Source: MGH)

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Displaying results 1 - 19 of 19 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
2008. Namibia Coastal/Marine Bird News. (September 2008)
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Namibia Coastal-Marine Bird News 4 Sep 08.pdf 582.2 KB
Jacobs LL, Huffington RM Museum in the ground.
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Fossils Angolasarous.pdf 4.33 MB
Ribas F, Falques A, van den Berg N, Caballeria M 2013. Modeling shoreline sand waves on the coasts of Namibia and Angola. International Journal of Sediment Research 28 (3) 338-348
Behling R, Milewski R, Chabrillat S 2018. Spatiotemporal shoreline dynamics of Namibian coastal lagoons derived by a dense remote sensing time series approach. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation (68) 262-271
Ma KCK, McQuaid CD, Pulfrich A, Robinson TB 2020. Status of a decennial marine invasion by the bisexual mussel Semimytilus algosus (Gould, 1850) in South Africa.   African Journal of Marine Science 42 (4) 507-515
Hockey PAR, Cooper J, Duffy DC 1983. The roles of coastal birds in the functioning of marine ecosystems in southern Africa. South African Journal of Science 79 (4) 130-134
1997. Wetland values and functions.
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Wetland values and functions_1997.pdf 8.9 MB
Simmons RE, Braby RJ, Braby SJ 2012. Damara Tern, Sterna balaenarum - review.
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Damara Tern_Sterna balaenarum_2012.doc 156 KB
Simmons RE, Cordes I 2000. Why is shorebird density so high in Walvis Bay? Delayed blooming and Benguela upwellings. African Journal of Aquatic Sciences 25 (1) 229
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Delayed Blooming and Benguela Upwellings 2000.pdf 67.92 KB
Davies O 1973. Pleistocene shorelines in the Western Cape and South-West Africa. Annals of the Natal Museum 21 (3) 719-765