
Scientific investigation aimed at discovering and applying new facts, techniques and natural laws. (Source: MGH)

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Displaying results 1051 - 1074 of 1074 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Ellis DH, Glinski RL, Smith DG 1990. Raptor road surveys in South America. Journal of Raptor Research 24 98 - 106
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Raptor road surveys in South America.pdf 582.67 KB
Eakle WL, Smith EL, Hoffman SW, Stahlecker DW, Duncan RB 1996. Results of a raptor survey in southwestern New Mexico. Journal of Raptor Research 30 183 - 188
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Results of a raptor survey in southwestern New Mexico.pdf 568.37 KB
Eakle WL 1994. A raptor roadside survey in western Turkey and eastern Greece. Journal of Raptor Research 28 (3) 186 - 191
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A raptor roadside survey in western Turkey and eastern Greece_1994.pdf 539.86 KB
Donsszar JA, Travaini A, Hiraldo F 1993. Roadside raptor surveys in the Argentinean Patagonia. Journal of Raptor Research 27 (2) 106 - 110
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Roadside raptor surveys in the Argentinean Patagonia.pdf 507.51 KB
Craig TH 1978. A car survey of raptors in southeastern Idaho 1974-1976. Raptor Research 12 (1/2) 40 - 45
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A car survey of raptors in southeastern Idaho 1974_1976_1978.pdf 664.2 KB
Cochran WW 1987. Telemetry techniques for the study of raptor migration. Journal of Raptor Research 21 (4) 142 - 143
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Telemetry techniques for the study of raptor migration.pdf 239.9 KB
Bauer EN 1982. Winter roadside raptor survey in El Paso County, Colorado, 1962-1979. Raptor Research 16 (1) 1962 - 1979
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Winter roadside raptor survey in El Paso County.pdf 305.11 KB
Andersen DE, Rongstad OJ 1989. Surveys for wintering birds of prey in southeastern Colorado 1983-1988. Journal of Raptor Research 23 1983 - 1988
Bezuidenhout JD, Stutterheim CJ 1980. A critical evaluation of the role played by the red-billed oxpecker Buphagus erythrorhynchus in the biological control of ticks. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 47 (2) 51 - 75
Spickett AM, Horak IG, van Niekerk A, Braack LE 1992. The effect of veld-burning on the seasonal abundance of free-living Ixodid ticks as determined by drag-sampling. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 59 285 - 292
Petney TN, Horak IG, Rechav Y 1987. The ecology of the African vectors of heartwater, with particular reference to Amblyomma hebraeum and Amblyomma variegatum. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 54 381 - 395
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The ecology of the African vectors of heartwater.pdf 812.68 KB
1990. Namib Ecology: 25 Years of Namib Research - Table of contents. Namib ecology: 25 years of Namib research 7
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Namib Ecology_25 years of Namib Research.pdf 583.09 KB
Little RM, Malan G, Crowe TM 1993. The use of counts of Namaqua sandgrouse at watering sites for population estimates. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 23 (1) 26 - 28
Willoughby EJ, Cade TJ 1967. Drinking habits of birds in the central Namib Desert of South West Africa. Scientific Papers of the Namib Desert Research Station 31 1 - 35
Oatley TB, Prys-Jones RP 1986. A comparative analysis of movements of southern Africa waterfowl (Anatidae), based on ringing recoveries. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 16 1 - 6
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Oatley_1986_SA_J_Wildl_Res_16_waterfowl.pdf 551.13 KB
Maclean GL 1985. Sandgrouse: Models of adaptive compromise. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 15 1 - 6
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Maclean_1985_SA_J_Wildl_Res_15_sandgrouse.pdf 257 KB
Louw GN, Belonje PC, Coetzee HJ 1969. Renal function, heart rate and thermoregulation in the Ostrich (Struthio camelus). 42 43 - 54
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Louw_1969_sci_pap_NDRS_ostrich.pdf 2.3 MB