Species which have a restricted world range. (Source: UNUN)

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Displaying results 101 - 150 of 197 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Collared Palm-Thrush: Cichladusa arquata. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 269-270
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Collared_Palm_Thrush_2015.pdf 2.98 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Red-capped Robin-Chat (Natal Robin): Cossypha natalensis. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 269
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Red_capped_Robin_Chat_2015.pdf 1.67 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Karoo Thrush: Turdus smithi. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 268-269
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Karoo_Thrush_2015.pdf 1.67 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Large-billed Lark (Thick-billed Lark): Galerida magnirostris. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 268
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Large_billed_Lark_2015.pdf 1.67 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Cape Clapper Lark: Mirafra apiata. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 268
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Cape_Clapper_Lark_2015.pdf 1.67 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Stierling's Wren-Warbler (Stierling's Barred Warbler): Calamonastes stierlingi. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 267-268
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stierlings_barred_warbler.zip 103.73 KB
Stierlings_Wren_Warbler_2015.pdf 3.33 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Namaqua Warbler: Phragmacia substriata. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 267
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namaqua_warbler.zip 94.31 KB
Namaqua_Warbler_2015.pdf 1.68 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Karoo Prinia (Spotted Prinia): Prinia maculosa (Prinia hypoxantha). Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 266-267
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karoo_prinia.zip 92.19 KB
Karoo_Prinia_2015.pdf 1.68 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Red-faced Cisticola: Cisticola erythrops. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 266
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Red_faced_Cisticola_2015.pdf 1.68 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Greater Swamp-Warbler: Acrocephalus rufescens. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 266
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Greater_Swamp_Warbler_2015.pdf 1.68 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Karoo Eremomela: Eremomela gregalis. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 265
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karoo_eremomela.zip 91.06 KB
Karoo_Eremomela_2015.pdf 1.36 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Fairy Flycatcher: Stenostira scita. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 264-265
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Fairy_Flycatcher_2015.pdf 1.36 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Eastern Saw-wing (Eastern Saw-wing Swallow): Psalidoprocne orientalis. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 264
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Eastern_Saw_wing_2015.pdf 1.36 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Souza's Shrike: Lanius souzae. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 263-264
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sousas_shrike.zip 99.22 KB
Souzas_Shrike_2015.pdf 2.69 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Grey-headed Bush-Shrike: Malaconotus blanchoti. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 263
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Grey_headed_Bush_Shrike_2015.pdf 1.35 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Tropical Boubou: Laniarius aethiopicus. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 262-263
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Tropical_Boubou_2015.pdf 1.35 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. White Stork: Ciconia ciconia. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 262
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white_stork.zip 189.98 KB
White_Stork_2015.pdf 1.35 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Woolly-necked Stork: Ciconia episcopus. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 261-262
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woollynecked_stork.zip 205.98 KB
Woolly_necked_Stork_2015.pdf 2.36 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. African Openbill (Openbilled Stork): Anastomus lamelligerus. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 261
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openbilled_stork.zip 242.3 KB
African_Openbill_2015.pdf 1.03 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Yellow-billed Stork: Mycteria ibis. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 260
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yellowbilled_stork.zip 130.72 KB
Yellow_billed_Stork_2015.pdf 1.03 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Pink-backed Pelican: Pelecanus rufescens. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 259-260
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pinkbacked_pelican.zip 193.27 KB
Pink_backed_Pelican_2015.pdf 2.71 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Dwarf Bittern: Ixobrychus sturmii. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 259
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dwarf_bittern.zip 248.26 KB
Dwarf_Bittern_2015.pdf 1.7 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Little Bittern: Ixobrychus minutus. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 258-259
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little_bittern.zip 127.97 KB
Little_Bittern_2015.pdf 1.7 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. White-backed Night-Heron: Gorsachius leuconotus. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 258
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White_backed_Night_Heron_2015.pdf 1.7 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Purple Heron: Ardea purpurea. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 258
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purple_heron.zip 113.66 KB
Purple_Heron_2015 upl.pdf 1.7 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Goliath Heron: Ardea goliath. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 257-258
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goliath_heron.zip 238.35 KB
Goliath_Heron_2015.pdf 3.33 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Black Heron (Black Egret): Egretta ardesiaca. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 257
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Black_Heron_2015.pdf 1.65 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. African Hobby (African Hobby Falcon): Falco cuvierii. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 256-257
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african_hobby_falcon.zip 99.15 KB
African_Hobby_2015.pdf 1.65 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Dickinson's Kestrel: Falco dickinsoni. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 256
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dickinsons_kestrel.zip 101.35 KB
Dickinsons_Kestrel_2015.pdf 1.65 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Grey Kestrel: Falco ardosiaceus. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 256
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grey_kestrel.zip 88.6 KB
Grey_Kestrel_2015.pdf 1.65 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Long-crested Eagle: Lophaetus occipitalis. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 255
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longcrested_eagle.zip 117.25 KB
Long_crested_Eagle_2015 upl.pdf 1.68 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Ayres's Hawk-Eagle (Ayres' Eagle): Aquila ayresii (Hieraaetus ayresii). Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 255
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ayres_eagle.zip 88.53 KB
Ayress_Hawk_Eagle_2015.pdf 1.68 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Jackal Buzzard: Buteo rufofuscus. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 254-255
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jackal_buzzard.zip 93.29 KB
Jackal_Buzzard_2015.pdf 1.68 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Black Sparrowhawk: Accipiter melanoleucus. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 254
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black_sparrowhawk.zip 93.17 KB
Black_Sparrowhawk_2015.pdf 1.68 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. African Goshawk: Accipiter tachiro. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 253-254
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african_goshawk.zip 96.33 KB
African_Goshawk_2015.pdf 2.75 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Western Banded Snake-Eagle: Circaetus cinerascens. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 253
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western_banded_snake_eagle.zip 93.42 KB
Western_Banded_Snake_Eagle_2015.pdf 1.09 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Bat Hawk: Macheiramphus alcinus. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 252-253
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bat_hawk.zip 124.99 KB
Bat_Hawk_2015.pdf 1.09 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. African Cuckoo Hawk (Cuckoo Hawk): Aviceda cuculoides. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 252
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cuckoo_hawk.zip 99.48 KB
African_Cuckoo_Hawk_2015.pdf 1.09 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Royal Tern: Thalasseus maximus (Sterna maxima). Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 251-252
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royal_tern.zip 24.87 KB
Royal tern_2015.pdf 2.41 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Lesser Black-backed Gull: Larus fuscus. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 251
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Lesser_Black_backed_Gull_2015.pdf 1.34 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Three-banded Courser: Rhinoptilus cinctus. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 250-251
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threebanded_courser.zip 102 KB
Three_banded_Courser_2015.pdf 1.34 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. White-crowned Lapwing (White-crowned Plover): Vanellus albiceps. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 250
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whitecrowned_plover.zip 113.62 KB
White_crowned_Lapwing_2015.pdf 1.34 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Long-toed Lapwing (Long-toed Plover): Vanellus crassirostris. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 249-250
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longtoed_plover.zip 114.9 KB
Long_toed_Lapwing_2015.pdf 2.97 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Red-necked Phalarope: Phalaropus lobatus. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 249
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Red_necked_Pharalope_2015.pdf 1.65 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Yellow-throated Sandgrouse: Pterocles gutturalis. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 248-249
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yellowthroated_sandgrouse.zip 120.78 KB
Yellow_throated_Sandgrouse_2015.pdf 1.65 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Allen's Gallinule (Lesser Gallinule): Porphyrio alleni (Porphyrula alleni). Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 248
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Allens_Gallinule_2015.pdf 1.65 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Striped Crake: Aenigmatolimnas marginalis. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 247-248
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striped_crake.zip 94.46 KB
Striped_Crake_2015.pdf 2.97 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Corn Crake: Crex crex. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 247
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corncrake.zip 91.04 KB
Corn_Crake_2015.pdf 1.34 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. African Rail: Rallus caerulescens. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 247
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African_Rail_2015.pdf 1.34 MB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Red-chested Flufftail: Sarothrura rufa. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 246
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redchested_flufftail.zip 103.77 KB
Red_Chested_Flufftail_2015.pdf 1.34 MB