
Animal which kills and eats other animals. (Source: PHC)

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Displaying results 101 - 150 of 546 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Kuhn B, Wiesel I, Skinner J 2008. Diet of brown hyenas (Parahyaena brunnea) on the Namibian Coast. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 63 (2) 150-159
Kohler SA, Wiesel I, Roux J-P, Kemper J, Underhill LG 2012. Marine nutrients imports to the Namib desert through large terrestrial carnivores and wind-blown detritus on the southern Namibian coast. Diamond Route Research Conference, 30 -31 October 2012
Edwards S, Aschenborn O, Gange AC, Wiesel I 2016. Leopard density estimates from semi-desert commercial farmlands, southwest Namibia. African Journal of Ecology 54 (1) 103-106
Felis nigripes.
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Felis nigripes.pdf 2.64 MB
Wharton RA, Reddick GA 2014. Solifuges (Arachnida: Solifugae) as predators and prey. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 69 (3) 213-216
Henschel JR, Tilson R, von Blottnitz F 1979. Implications of a spotted hyaena bone assemblage in the Namib Desert. The South African Archaeological Bulletin 34 (130) 127-131
Périquet S, Valeix M, Claypole J, Drouet-Hoguet N, Salnicki J, Mudimba S, Revilla E, Fritz H 2015. Spotted hyaenas switch their foraging strategy as a response to changes in intraguild interactions with lions. Journal of Zoology 297 245-254
Millspaugh JJ, Rittenhouse CD, Montgomery RA, Matthews WS, Slotow R Resource selection modeling reveals potential conflicts involving reintroduced lions in Tembe Elephant Park, South Africa. Journal of Zoology 296 (124-132) 2015
Weise FJ, Lemeris JR, Munro SJ, Bowden A, Venter C, Van Vuuren M, Van Vuuren RJ 2015. Cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) running the gauntlet: an evaluation of translocations into free-range environments in Namibia. PeerJ 3 (e1346)
Schumann M, Schumann B, Dickman AJ, Watson LH, Marker LL 2006. Assessing the use of swing gates in game fences as a potential non-lethal predator exclusion technique. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 36 (2) 173-181
Mény M, Schmidt-Küntzel A, Marker LL 2012. Diagnosis-based treatment of helminths in captive and wild cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 43 (4) 934-938
Rust NA, Marker LL 2013. Attitudes towards predators and conservancies amongst rural Namibian farmers. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 18 (6) 463-468
Sturm M, Zimmermann M, Schütz K, Urban W, Hartung H 2009. A sylvatic lifecycle of Echinococcus equinus in the Etosha National Park, Namibia. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 34 (13-16) 776-785
Barnard P, Simmons R 1986. The functions of leg-lowering in territorial predatory birds. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 57 (2) 107 - 109
Edwards S, Cooper S, Uiseb K, Hayward M, Wachter B, Melzheimer J 2018. Making the most of by-catch data: Assessing the feasibility of utilising non-target camera trap data for occupancy modelling of a large felid. African Journal of Ecology
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Making the most of by_catch data.pdf 779.61 KB
Sullivan S 1996. Towards a non-equilibrium ecology: perspectives from an arid land. Journal of Biogeography (23) 1-5
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Sullivan_towards a non_equ ecol_J_Biog_1996.pdf 688.66 KB
Shortridge GC 1934. The Mammals of South West Africa. II
Gaerdes J 1974. Geparden in Suedwestafrika. (XIV) 1-12
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Gaerdes_1974_Cheetahs_in_Southwest_Africa_Part1.pdf 652.13 KB
Gaerdes J 1974. Geparden in Suedwestafrika. (XIV) 13-24
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Gaerdes_1974_Cheetahs_in_Southwest_Africa_Part2.pdf 613.69 KB
Gaerdes J 1974. Geparden in Suedwestafrika. (12) 25-31
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Gaerdes_1974_Cheetahs_in_Southwest_Africa_Part3.pdf 372.86 KB
Bartlett J, Bartlett D 1996. The lions of Etosha: A portfolio. Namibia Environment 1 35-40
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The lions of Etosha_A portfolio_1996.pdf 6.75 MB
1996. Galery.  Namibia Environment 1 83-91
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Gallery_1996.pdf 7.9 MB
Gese EM 2004. Survey and census techniques for Canids. Canids: foxes, wolves, jackals, and dogs
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Survey and census techniques for Canids.pdf 289.89 KB
Lindsey PA, Petracca LS, Funston PJ, Bauer H, Dickman A, Everatt K, Flyman M, Henschel P, Hinks AE, Kasiki S, Loveridge A, MacDonald DW, Mandisodza R, Mgoola W, Miller SM, Nazerali S, Siege L, Uiseb K, Hunter LTB 2017. The performance of African protected areas for lions and their prey. Biological Conservation (209) 137-149
Potgieter GC, Marker LL, Avenant NL, Kerley GIH 2013. Why Namibian Farmers Are Satisfied With the Performance of Their Livestock Guarding Dogs. Human Dimensions of Wildlife: An International Journal (18) 403-415
Chardonnet P, Soto B, Fritz H, Crosmary W, Drouet-Hoguet N, Mésochina P, Pellerin M, Mallon D, Bakker L, Boulet H, Lamarque F 2010. Managing the conflicts between people and lion: review and insights from the literature and field experience.
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Managing the conflict between people and lion.pdf 543.44 KB