Study of the relationship between terrestrial organisms and their environment. (Source: PHC)

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Displaying results 1 - 9 of 9 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Earth Science Solutions 2010. Swakop Uranium Husab Project, Specialist Soils and Land Capability Assessment.
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2010_Husab_soil.pdf 1.18 MB
Rothauge A 2011. Ecological dynamics of central Namibia's savannas: Part 1. Agricola 21 7-13
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Ecological dynamics of central Namibias savannas_Part 1.pdf 279.03 KB
Rothauge A 2011. Ecological dynamics of central Namibia's savannas: Part 2. Agricola 21 14-25
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Ecological dynamics of central Namibias savannas_Part 2.pdf 461.37 KB
Briske DD, Fuhlendorf SD, Smeins FE 2003. Vegetation dynamics on rangelands: a critique of the current paradigms. Journal of Applied Ecology 40 (4) 601-614
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Vegetation Dynamics_Briske_2003.pdf 280.49 KB