Something that provides an indication especially of trends. (Source: CED)

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Displaying results 1 - 24 of 24 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Seely MK, Klintenberg P, Kruger AS 2006. Integrated approach for use of desertification benchmarks and indicators: an example from Namibia. AIDCCD – Active exchange of experience on indicators and development of perspectives in the context of UNCCD, Local and regional desertification indicators in a global perspective: seminar proceedings 65-73
Klintenberg P, Seely M 2005. State of the art on existing indicators and their use for desertification monitoring and CCD implementation in southern Africa. AIDCCD active exchange of experience on indicators and development of perspectives in the context of UNCCD: Report on the state of art on existing indicators and CCD implementation in the UNCCD Annexes 95-139
Burke A, Kyläkorpi L, Rydgren B, Schneeweiss R 2008. Testing a Scandinavian Biodiversity Assessment Tool in an African Desert Environment. Environmental Management 42 (4) 698-706
Krogh SN, Zeisset MS, Jackson E, Whitford WG 2002. Presence/absence of a keystone species as an indicator of rangeland health. Journal of Arid Environments 50 (3) 513-519
Hyman JB, Leibowitz SG 2001. JSEM: a framework for identifying and evaluating indicators. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 66 (3) 207-232
Crawford RJM, Shelton PA, Berruti A 1983. Cape Cormorants as potential indicators of pelagic fish stocks off southern Africa. South Africa Journal of Science 79 466-468
Macdonald IAW 1992. Vertebrate populations as indicators of environmental change in southern Africa. Transactions of the Royal Society of Southern Africa 48 (1) 87 - 122
Berruti A 1983. The use of seabirds as indicators of pelagic fish stocks in the southern Benguela Current. Proceedings of the Birds and Man Symposium 267-279
Jack SL, Hoffman MT, Rohde RF, Durbach I 2016. Climate change sentinel or false prophet? The case of Aloe dichotoma. Diversity and Distributions 1-13
Hoesch W 1937. Über das 'Honiganzeigen' von Indicator. Journal für Ornitologie 85 201 - 205
Conti E, Costa G, Liberatori G, Vannuccini ML, Protano G, Nannoni F, Corsi I 2018. Ariadna spiders as bioindicator of heavy elements contamination in the Central Namib Desert. Ecological Indicators (95) 663-672
Cronberg G, Gieske A, Martins E, Mengu JP, Stenstrom I-M 1995. Hydrobiological studies of the Okavango Delta and Kwando /Lenyanti /Chobe River, Botswana, I surface water quality analysis. Botswana Notes and Records 27 151 - 226
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Hydrobiological studies of the Okavango Delta and Kwando.pdf 6.13 MB
du Pisani AL 2003. Determining drought indices in Namibia. Agricola 13 15 - 23
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Determining drought indices in Namibia_2003.pdf 5.59 MB
Jones DJ 2006. Use of ultralight aircraft for material location and road surveys in remote rural areas. Proceedings 22nd ARRB Conference: Research into Practice, October 29 - November 2 2006 16