
The science that deals with the study of the origin, distribution, and relations of races or ethnic groups of mankind. (Source: MGH)

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Displaying results 1 - 39 of 39 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Krämer M 2007. Die Topnaar Traditional Authority: Grenzen des Häuptlingtums in Namibia. Scientific Society, Swakopmund 39 (2/07) 12-19
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The Topnaar Traditional Authority_2007.pdf 3.46 MB
Munisse P, Andersen SB, Jensen BD, Christiansen JL 2011. Diversity of landraces, agricultural practises and traditional uses of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) in Mozambique. African Journal of Plant Science 5 (2) 75-86
van den Eynden V, Vernemmen P, van Damme P 1992. Ethnobotanical survey of the Namib desert: final report.
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Ethnobotanical survey of the Namib desert_1992.pdf 22.79 MB
Sander H, Bollig M, Schulte A 1998. Himba Paradise Lost: Stability, degradation, and pastoralist management of the Omuhonga Basin (Namibia). Die Erde 129 301 - 315
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Himba Paradise Lost.pdf 2.56 MB
Otto A 1987. Einführung in die traditionelle materielle Kultur der Kwangali. Journal of the SWA Scientific Society 40 - 41 159 - 198
Fisch M 1984. Die Kavangofischer. Namibian 5 106 - 169
Cassidy L, Good K, Mazonde I 2001. An assessment of the status of the San in Botswana.
Biesele M, Weinberg P 1990. Shaken roots, the bushmen of Namibia.
Lee RB, Biesele M, Hitchcock RK 1996. Three decades of Ethnographic Research among the Ju/'Hoansi of northwestern Botswana: 1963-1996. Botswana Notes and Records 28 107-120
Fisch M 1985. Ursprung und bedeutung des namens Okavango. Journal of the South West African Scientific Society 1985 - 86 - 1986 - 87
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Fisch2.pdf 10.55 MB
Sullivan S 2002.  'How can the rain fall in this chaos?': Myth and metaphor in representations of the north-west Namibian landscape. Challenges for anthropology in the African "renaissance" - A southern African contribution 255-317
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Sullivan 2002 How can the rain fall in all this chaos.pdf 10.2 MB
Gibson GD, Larson TJ, McGurk CR 1981. The Kavango peoples.
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The Kavango Peoples_0.pdf 9.8 MB
Bandyopadhyay S, Guzman JC, Lendelvo S 2010. Communal conservancies and household welfare in Namibia.
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Research Discussion Paper 82_2010.pdf 2.12 MB
Biesele M 2018. People of the Eland/People of ELAN: The Ju/’hoan Transcription Group and Ju/’hoan Mother-Tongue Literacy. Research and Activism among the Kalahari San Today: Ideals, Challenges, and Debates 99 51-63
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People of the eland_People of ELAN.pdf 309.06 KB
Taylor JJ 2007. Rendering the land visible. Cultural Survival Quarterly 31 (4) 10 - 15
Yellen JE, Lee RB 1976. The dobe-/Du/da environment: Background to a hunting and gathering way of life, in Kalahari hunter-gatherers. Kalahari Hunter-Gatherers: Studies of the !Kung San and their Neighbours 27-46
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Background to a hunting and gathering way of life_1976.pdf 1.8 MB