early warning system

Any series of procedures and devices designed to detect sudden or potential threats to persons, property or the environment at the first sign of danger; especially a system utilizing radar technology. (Source: RHW)

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Displaying results 1 - 13 of 13 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Chambers LE, Barnard P, Poloczanska ES, Hobday AJ, Keatley MR, Allsopp N, Underhill LG 2017. Southern Hemisphere biodiversity and global change: Data gaps and strategies. Austral Ecology
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Southern Hemisphere biodiversity and global change.pdf 565.93 KB
van der Waal C, Angerer J, Kruger B, Lindeque P, Haiduwa T, Kanduvarisa A, Witneben F Monitoring rangelands from space: Early warning system for Namibian livestock farmers.
Nakanyete NF, Shikangalah RN, Vatuva A 2018. Drought as a disaster in the Namibian context. International Journal of Science and Research 9 (3) 377-386
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Drought as a Disaster in the Namibian Context.pdf 742.56 KB