A country whose people are beginning to utilize available resources in order to bring about a sustained increase in per capita production of goods and services. (Source: GREENW)

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Displaying results 1 - 38 of 38 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Nichols P 2003. A developing country puts a halt to foreign overfishing. Economic Perspectives 8 (1)
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A Developing Country Puts A Halt To Foreign Overfishing_2003.pdf 152.66 KB
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 2013. Namibia BEFS Country Brief.
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Namibia Bioenergy and Food Security.pdf 892.18 KB
1999. Land Policy in developing countries.
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Land policy in developing countries.pdf 686.81 KB
Tatem AJ, Noor AM, von Hagen C, Di Gregorio A, Hay SI 2007. High Resolution Population Maps for Low Income Nations: Combining Land Cover and Census in East Africa. Plos ONE 2 (12) e1298
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High Resolution Population Maps for Low Income Tatem_2007_PLoSOne.pdf 548.87 KB
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) 2007. Natural Resource Tenure - A position paper for Sida.
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SIDA_Natural_Resource_Tenure.pdf 163.05 KB
Urmee T, Gyamfi S 2014. A review of improved Cookstove technologies and programs. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 33 625-635
Benito G, Rohde R, Seely M, Kulls C, Dahan O, Enzel Y, Todd S, Botero B, Morin E, Grodek T, Roberts C 2010. Management of Alluvial Aquifers in Two Southern African Ephemeral Rivers: Implications for IWRM. Water Resources Management 24 (4) 641-667
Williams QR, Greeff M, Boshemane S, Alberts R 2008. Designing future technologies for disabled people in a developing country. IST-Africa 2008 Conference Proceedings, 07-09 May 2008 2008 14
Seely M, Wöhl H 2004. Connecting Research to Combating Desertification. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 99 (1-3) 23-32
Saito N, Ruhanen L, Noakes S, Axelsen M 2018. Community engagement in pro-poor tourism initiatives: fact or fallacy? Insights from the inside. Tourism Recreation Research (43) 175-185
Economic Association of Namibia 2018. Land and Livelihoods in Namibia: Essays from the Economic Association of Namibia.
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EAN Land and Livelihoods 2018 small.pdf 1.24 MB
Blensch RM, Gill G, Turton C 1997. Pearl millet in developing countries.
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Pearl_Millet_in_Developing_Countries.pdf 1.05 MB
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 2010. A Toolkit for Designing Climate Change Adaptation Initiatives.
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A Toolkit for Designing Climate Change Adaptation Initiatives_2010.pdf 851.69 KB
Rahaman MM, Varis O, Kajander T 2004. EU Water Framework Directive vs. Integrated Water Resources Management: The Seven Mismatches. Water Resources Development 20 (4) 565-575
Thomas DSG, Twyman C 2005. Equity and justice in climate change adaptation amongst natural-resource-dependent societies. Global Environmental Change 15 115-124
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Equity and Justice in CC Adaptation_2005.pdf 252.35 KB
Rahaman MM, Varis O Integrated water resources management: evolution, prospects and future challenges. Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy 1 (1) 15-21
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Rahaman_Water Resources_2005.pdf 89.95 KB
2005. Biofuel Namibia Final Report.
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biofuel Namibia Final Report_2005.pdf 1.8 MB
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) 2014. Young People in Namibia: an analysis of the 2011 Population and Housing Census.
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Young People in Namibia.pdf 6.14 MB