
Spending for survival or enjoyment in contrast to providing for future use or production. (Source: ODE)

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Displaying results 1 - 10 of 10 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Ollikainen T 1991. Study on wood consumption in Namibia.
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Study on wood consumption in Namibia_1991.pdf 1.65 MB
Klaeboe J, Omwami RK 1997. Appendix 7: Subsistence fuelwood consumption (m3) 1997/1998, rural areas. Forest Policy for Sustainable Utilisation of the Woodlands and Savannahs of Namibia. A study on Consumption Patterns of Major Wood and Wood Products in Namibia
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Subsistence fuelwood consumption_rural areas_1997_1998.pdf 132.63 KB
Rothauge A, Abate AL, Smit GN 2004. Stocking rate of free-ranging beef cattle affects their diet selection. Agricola 14 37 - 39
Rothauge A, Abate AL, Smit GN 2004. Does the frame size of free-ranging beef catle influence their diet?. Agricola 14 33 - 36
Ministry of Agriculture Water and Forestry (MAWF) 2005. Draft technical summary of water accounts.
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Technical Summary of Water Accounts Namibia_2006.pdf 1.11 MB