
A nonmetallic element existing in the three crystalline forms: graphite, diamond and buckminsterfullerene: occurring in carbon dioxide, coal, oil and all organic compounds. (Source: CED)

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Displaying results 1 - 29 of 29 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Collins JA, Schefuß E, Govin A, Mulitza S, Tiedemann R 2014. Insolation and glacial-interglacial control on southwestern African hydroclimate over the past 140?000 years. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 398 1-10
Conrad NJ, Breunig P, Gonska H, Marinetti G 1988. The feasibility of dating rock paintings from Brandberg, Namibia, with 14C466. Journal of Archaeological Science 15 (4) 463-466
Vogel JC, Fuls A 2005. Life-span of leadwood trees. South African Journal of Science 101 98 - 100
Lourenco M, Woodborne S, Fitchett JM 2022. Fire regime of peatlands in the Angolan Highlands. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 195
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Fire regime of peatlands in the Angolan Highlands.pdf 851.1 KB
MacCalman HR 1965. Carbon 14 Dates from South West Africa. The South African Archaeological Bulletin 20 (80) 215
Jacobson LJ, Vogel JC 1977. Radiocarbon dates for a shell midden complex from Wortel, Walvis Bay. Madoqua 10 (1) 85-86
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Radiocarbon dates for a shell midden complex from Wortel.pdf 1.65 MB
Steenkamp CJ, Vogel JC, Fuls A, van Rooyen N 2008. Age Determination of Acacia erioloba trees in the Kalahari.
Eitel B, Kadereit A, Blümel WD, Hüser K, Kromer B 2005. The Amspoort Silts, northern Namib desert (Namibia): formation, age and palaeoclimatic evidence of river-end deposits. Geomorphology 64 299-314
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The Amspoort Silts.pdf 1.24 MB
Seaquist JW, Olsson L, Ardö J 2003. A remote sensing-based primary production model for grassland biomes. Ecological Modelling 169 131-155
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seaquist_et_al_2003_ecol_mod.pdf 842.65 KB
Vogel JC, Seely MK 1977. Occurrence of C4 plants in the Central Namib Desert. Madoqua 10 (1) 75-78
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Occurrence of C4 plants in the Central Namib Desert.pdf 380.17 KB