animal behaviour

Behaviour of animals in their normal environment, including all the processes, both internal and external, by which they respond to changes in their environment. (Source: ALL2)

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Displaying results 51 - 100 of 619 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Wiss I 1980. Eine Beobachtung auf Farm Otjiseva von Frau Dr. I. Wiss. Lanioturdus 16 (11/12) 3-4
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An observation on Farm Otjiseva_1980.pdf 253.97 KB
Wiltschko R 1980. Die Sonnenorientierung der Vögel. Lanioturdus 16 (7) 1-2
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Orientation of birds according to the sun_1980.pdf 195.72 KB
van de Reep J, van de Reep S 1993. Cocky Bustard. Lanioturdus 27 50-52
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Cocky Bustard.pdf 546.6 KB
Walter A 1993. Unusual feeding behaviour of Terns. Lanioturdus 27 36
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Unusual feeding behaviour of Terns.pdf 150.48 KB
Gerstle K, Gerstle P 1993. From rags to riches. Lanioturdus 27 31-34
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From rags to riches.pdf 420.35 KB
Friede G 1995. Werbung eines Fahlregenpfeifers. Lanioturdus 28 44-45
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Werbung eines Fahlregenpfeifers_1995.pdf 143.61 KB
Friede G 1996. Courtship and mating of Chestnutbanded Sandplovers. Lanioturdus 29 (1) 49
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Courtship and mating of Chestnutbanded Sandplovers.pdf 158.39 KB
Friede G 1996. "Preen me": Allopreening in Burntnecked Eremomelas. Lanioturdus 29 (1) 33
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Allopreening in Burntnecked Eremomelas.pdf 0 bytes
Kaestner P 1997. Feeder frenzy. Lanioturdus 30 (3) 10-12
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Feeder frenzy.pdf 244.01 KB
Henschel I 1997. Communication in our feathered friends. Lanioturdus 30 (2) 13-15
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Communication in our feathered friends.pdf 250.33 KB
Dedekind H 1997. Barbets and Honeyguides. Lanioturdus 30 (2) 9-10
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Barbets and Honeyguides_1997.pdf 240.19 KB
Friede G 1997. Bird parties. Lanioturdus 30 (1) 12-14
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Bird parties_1997.pdf 240.27 KB
Boix-Hinzen C 1997. Notes on misdirected feeding bahaviour. Lanioturdus 30 (4) 26-28
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Notes on misdirected feeding bahaviour.pdf 240.82 KB
Cunningham PL, Cunningham AI 1999. Observations of Vultures at domestic stock lamb carcasses. Lanioturdus 32 (2,3 & 4) 7-9
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Observations of Vultures at domestic stock lamb carcasses.pdf 207.24 KB
Pollard CJW 1998. Dune Lark drinking water?. Lanioturdus 31 (3) 2-3
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Dune Lark drinking water_1998.pdf 124.86 KB
Boix-Hinzen C 1998. Sexual encounters in Violet Woodhoopoes. Lanioturdus 31 (1) 26-29
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Sexual encounters in Violet Woodhoopoes.pdf 240.11 KB
Branch B 1998. Feeding observations on raptors in Etosha. Lanioturdus 31 (4) 20
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Feeding observations on raptors in Etosha.pdf 142.38 KB
Boix-Hinzen C, Ludwig T, Turbe A 2002. Co-operative breeding in Carp's tits (Parus carpi). Lanioturdus 35 (2) 15-18
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Co_operative breeding in Carps tits.pdf 350.16 KB
Osborne L 2004. The amazing, one-winged flying Quelea. Lanioturdus 37 (2) 39-40
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One_winged flying Quelea.pdf 208 KB
Lenssen J 2004. Adaptive behaviour of the Namaqua Sandgrouse. Lanioturdus 37 (1) 15-17
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Adaptive behaviour of the Namaqua Sandgrouse_2004.pdf 230.31 KB
Cunningham P, Adank W, Mulisa C, Simataa B 2003. The diet of the Barn Owl Tyto alba from the Otjivasando area, Etosha National Park. Lanioturdus 36 (4) 7-11
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Diet of the Barn Owl from the Otjivasando area.pdf 300.26 KB
Boix-Hinzen C, Boorman M 2003. Helping behaviour in Gray's Lark Ammomanes grayi. Lanioturdus 36 (3) 2-3
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Helping behaviour in Grays Lark.pdf 169.18 KB
Swanepoel W 2003. Mimicry by the Herero Chat Namibornis herero. Lanioturdus 36 (2) 4-6
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Mimicry by the Herero Chat.pdf 220.39 KB
Cunningham P 2016. Is Namibia on the brink of being invaded by Common Starling Sturnus vulgaris?. Biodiversity Observations 7 (76) 1-2
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Common starling.pdf 281.2 KB
Friederich G, Friederich T 2009. Sunday lunchtime raptors. Lanioturdus 42 (3) 9
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Sunday Lunchtime Raptors.pdf 256.28 KB
Bartlewski S 2011. Portrait – Spotted Flycatcher. Lanioturdus 44 (2) 11
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Portrait_Spotted Flycatcher.pdf 317.66 KB
Demasius E 2011. The Damara Tern mating game. Lanioturdus 44 (4) 26-27
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The Damara Tern mating game.pdf 309.83 KB
Kinahan J 1973. Roost preference in Bubo lacteus. Mitteilungen Ornitologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 9 (5 - 6) 8
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Roost preference in Bubo lacteus_1973.pdf 192.63 KB
Demasius E 2012. An interesting observation on feeding behaviour. Lanioturdus 45 (4) 10-11
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An Interesting Observation on Feeding Behaviour_2012.pdf 384.02 KB
Armstrong S 1991. How baboons survive in world's worst desert. New Scientist 2 (March 1991) 24
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How baboons survive in worlds worst desert.pdf 815.83 KB
Kok OB, van Wyk AJ 1982. Boomklimmende klipspringers in die Namibwoestyn. Madoqua 13 (1) 89-96
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Boomklimmende klipspringers in die Namibwoestyn_1982.pdf 1.25 MB
Crawford CS, Hanrahan SA, Seely MK 1990. Scale-related habitat use by Physadesmia globosa (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) in a riparian desert environment. Namib ecology 25 years of Namib research 135-142
Tilson RL 1977. Duetting in Namib desert klipspringers. South Africa Journal of Science 73 314-315
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Duetting in Namib desert klipspringers_1977.pdf 2.07 MB
Jessnitz R, Jessnitz J 1986. The burying of excess food by Black Crows. Lanioturdus 22 55
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The burying of excess food by Black Crows.pdf 152.42 KB
Wasiolka B, Blaum N, Jeltsch F, Henschel J 2009. Behavioural responses of the lizard Pedioplanis l. lineoocellata to overgrazing. Acta Oecologica 35 157-162
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Behavioural responses of the lizard Pedioplanis_2009.pdf 198.38 KB
Lehmann D, Mfune JKE, Gewers E, Cloete J, Brain C, Voigt CC 2013. Dietary plasticity of generalist and specialist ungulates in the Namibian Desert: A Stable Isotopes Approach. Plos ONE 8 (8) e72190
Garstang M, Davis RE, Leggett K, Frauenfeld OW, Greco S, Zipser E, Peterson M 2014. Response of African Elephants (Loxodonta africana) to seasonal changes in rainfall. Plos ONE 9 (10) e108736
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Response of African Elephants to seasonal changes in rainfall.pdf 2.41 MB
Hockey PAR, Hallinan J 1981. Effect of human disturbance on the breeding behaviour of Jackass Penguins Spheniscus demersus. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 11 (2) 59 - 62
Funston P, Hanssen L, Moeller M 2014. Large Carnivore Survey Bwabwata National Park, Namibia, July 2014.
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Bwabwata Survey_2014.pdf 862.95 KB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2014. African wild dog status summary and natural resource report.
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2014 African Wild Dog Audit Report.pdf 1.74 MB
Gosling LM 2013. The Mountain Zebra Project.
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The Mountain Zebra Project.pdf 282.71 KB