
Namibia Community and Household Surveillance (CHS) Findings. WFP support to Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs) in Northern Namibia

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Of the 636 households interviewed, information was collected on nearly 4,500 household members, including 2,575 children aged 0-18 years. Of those children, 681 (26%) were single orphans and 189 (7%) were double orphans. The average age of non-orphans was 8 years while single orphans were, on average, 12 years old and double orphans 14 years of age. Only two households were headed by children, aged 16 and 18 years. Approximately 53% of the households were beneficiary households. Of those, 73% were hosting orphans and the rest were hosting vulnerable children. There were as many as 7 beneficiary children in a household but the average was 2-3 children. Only 11% of the sampled households had a cash grant recipient.

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