
/Ai-/Ais-Richtersveld Transfrontier Park - A short guide to the long history


Contradictions in the literature abound, so would you please settle the question - after the Grand Canyon in the USA, is the Fish River Canyon the second-largest canyon in the world? The answer is that it depends on how you define large. At about 1 000 metres deep, Ethiopia's Blue Nile Gorge is considered to be Africa's largest canyon, but it is also narrower (about 20 km wide at its widest) than the Fish River Canyon, and probably shorter too. (The Fish River Canyon is 160 km long, up to 27 km wide, and almost 550 metres at its deepest.) So which is Africa's largest canyon? Toss a coin, or visit both gorges, then you may be able to answer the question for yourself.

Ministry of Environment and Tourism
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