
Development of an Integrated Water Resources Management Plan for Namibia. Theme Report 8: National Water Development Strategy and Action Plan

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This Draft Strategy is based on three thematic reports. The relevant reports discuss: (1) review and assessment of existing situation; (2) the assessment of resources potential and development needs; and (3) formulation of water demand management strategy. The Draft Strategy also incorporates the results of eleven regional stakeholder workshops covering thirteen regions and consultation with members of the IWRM Plan Steering Committee. The purpose of these workshops was to raise awareness about and encourage engagement in the development of the IWRM Plan, to gather inputs from stakeholders in the Regions and to obtain their endorsement of the draft. Consultations revealed that water suppliers and users in Namibia are comfortable with WHAT needs to be done to accomplish IWRM but have many questions about HOW it is to be done and WHO is responsible or accountable for doing it. Phased or step-wise implementation was agreed upon at most regional workshops and is recommended for the IWRM Plan.

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