
Tree of the Year: Sclerocarya birrea. National Arbor Day, 14th October 2011

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Marula forms an integral part of the lives of the people within its distribution range. It contributes to economic, social and environmental stability. In Namibia, this important, indigenous fruit tree provides diverse benefits at subsistence level. The main product is the fruit that is the source of the traditional brew, omaongo, of the Owambo people. Its usefulness is not only recognised locally but it is acknowledged nationally and internationally as a valuable species for domestication and commercialisation. Various business initiatives in northern Namibia generate income though the harvesting of fruit to produce marula oil for both local and international markets. Marula has been identified as one of five fruit tree species that should be integrated in the domestication process in farming systems in Africa to support nutritional, health and income security. The usefulness of this plant for rural communities in Namibia is significant, making it an ideal choice for the Tree of the Year 2011, and also in celebration of the UN International Year of Forests, which has the slogan 'Forests for People'.

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