
Management Plan Namib Naukluft Park

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National parks are a vital tool for conserving Namibia's essential biodiversity. By managing parks, their irreplaceable assets and unlimited potential will be conserved for future generations. In addition, every year Namibia's National Parks draw large numbers of tourists to Namibia, generating employment and stimulating development nationwide. National Parks also provide a unique opportunity to benefit local communities through rural development while providing research, education and recreation opportunities. The Namib Naukluft Park, Namibia's largest Park, contains all the elements of Namibia's western landscapes: the country's largest expanse of sand in the central Namib dune sea, wide gravel plains, a pristine coastline and a connection to the escarpment in the Naukluft Mountains. This is a conservation area of international significance, set within a larger trans-boundary landscape that covers the length of the Namib Desert in South Africa, Namibia and Angola.

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Namib Naukluft Management Plan.pdf 499.23 KB