Court freezes car, residential block belonging to suspected poacher Bishop Burugu
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A Nairobi court has frozen ownership of a Mercedes Benz and a block of residential flats built on prime land within Allsops area in Ruaraka belonging to televangelist and businessman Jackson Mbugua Burugu. This is in connection with a case of poaching that is pending in court. Lady Justice Diana Kavedza of the Nairobi Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Division issued the freezing order following a suit filed by the Asset Recovery Agency. Burugu is a prominent Nairobi-based televangelist who is commonly referred to as 'Bishop'. Bishop together with a group of friends David Ndiritu, Luso Lesitima and Daniel Mboche are accused of poaching. They are notorious for accessing Oljogi conservancy in Laikipia to hunt and kill wildlife for their trophies. ARA says Bishop laundered money to the tunes of millions of shillings from the sale of wildlife trophies and sandalwood harvesting. Bishop together with David Ndiritu, Daniel Kibe Mboche and Jackson Luso Lesitima have another ongoing case before Nanyuki Law Courts where they are facing a charge of Dealing in Wildlife trophies contrary to the Wildlife Conservation and Management Act of 2013. According to the charge sheet, Burugu and his co-accused were arrested by Kenya Wildlife Service officers on 6th October 2021 at Enasoit area, within the expansive Oljogi Conservancy in Laikipia county while in possession of 70 kills of raw ivory with a street value of Sh7 million. "On the 6th day of October 2021 at around 1600hrs, at Enasoit area in Oljogi conservancy within Laikipia County.you were found in dealing in wildlife trophies of an endangered namely 4 elephant tusk weighting approximately 69.2 kgs without a permit," the charge sheet read.

Series Title:
Journal of African Elephants
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