240606003956: Proposed subdivision of Erf 3573 and Rezoning of Portions A - D, from public open space to single residential, Extension 16, Ondangwa, Oshana Region
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The proponent has purchased a Portion measuring 2770 square of the Erf 3573 from the Ondangwa Town Council with the aim of a housing development project. The property measures approximately 10.4ha and is currently zoned "Public Open Space" (POS), hence certain town planning procedures needs to be applied for the subdivision of Erf 3573 and subsequent Rezoning of the purchased Portions from "POS" to "Single Residential" with Density 1:600 to enable the intended development. In terms of the Environmental Management Act of 2007 (Schedule 5.1) and its regulations (GN No. 30 of 2012), the rezoning of land zoned "Public Open Space" to any other land use cannot be undertaken without an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) being conducted and Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) is obtained.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Thursday, 20 June 2024

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