240522003763: Environmental Impact Assessment for the proposed subdivision, rezoning, permanent closure and consolidations of various Erven in the Outapi Town Planning Scheme, Outapi Extension 6, Omusati Region
Publication Year:

Subdivision of Erf 3350, Outapi Extension 6 into Erf A and the Remainder; Subdivision of Erf 3351, Outapi Extension 6 into Erf B and the Remainder; Rezoning of Erf B/3351, Outapi Extension 6 from "Local Authority" to "Residential" with a density of 1:300; Subdivision of the Remainder of Portion 5 of the Farm Outapi No. 1116 into Portions D, E, F, G and the Remainder; Permanent Closure of Portions D, E, F and G of the Remainder of Portion 5 of the Farm Outapi No. 1116 as "Street"; Subdivision of Erf 3366, Outapi Extension 6 into Erf C and the Remainder; Permanent Closure of Erf C/3366, Outapi Extension 6 as a "Public Open Space"; Consolidation of Erf Re/3366 and D/Ptn 5, Outapi Extension 6 into "Consolidated Erf W". Consolidation of Erven Re/3350, C/3366 and E/Ptn 5, Outapi Extension 6 into "Consolidated Erf Z"; Consolidation of Erven A/3350, B/3351 and F/Ptn 5, Outapi Extension 6 into "Consolidated Erf X"; and Consolidation of Re/3351 and G/Ptn 5, Outapi Extension 6 into "Consolidated Erf Y".

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Monday, 10 June 2024

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