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'n Karkas van 'n groot witrenosterbul is Sondagoggend op 'n plaas in die Gobabis-distrik ontdek wat al voorheen witrenosters aan die hand van stropers verloor het. Die eienaar van Walmaine Boerdery, Walter Kinnear, is woedend en emosioneel oor die verlies van nóg 'n renoster, veral hierdie groot teelbul wat sowat 12 jaar oud was. Die Namibiese polisie (Nampol) se woordvoerder, hoofinspekteur Elifas Kuwinga, het gister aan NMH bevestig dat die renoster met 'n vuurwapen gejag en albei horings verwyder is. Volgens Kinnear se seun en polisiereservis, ook Walter, is die ondersoek in 'n baie sensitiewe stadium met 'n sindikaat met hoëlui wat vermoedelik betrokke is. Die renoster is vermoedelik tussen Saterdagaand en Sondagoggend gestroop, volgens Kinnear jr., nadat die bul Sondagoggend vermis is. Die karkas is met behulp van 'n hommeltuig op die plaas opgespoor en die ander renosters is gelukkig almal ongedeerd gevind. "Die renoster se horings is nie uitgekap nie, maar op 'n professionele manier met 'n vlymskerp, dun, plat mes tussen die skedel en horings verwyder. Hulle weet wat hulle doen," het Kinnear jr. gesê. A carcass of a large white rhinoceros bull was discovered on Sunday morning on a farm in the Gobabis district that has previously lost white rhinos to poachers. The owner of Walmaine Boerdery, Walter Kinnear, is furious and emotional about the loss of yet another rhino, especially this large breeding bull that was about 12 years old. The spokesperson of the Namibian police (Nampol), Chief Inspector Elifas Kuwinga, confirmed to NMH yesterday that the rhino was hunted with a firearm and both horns were removed. According to Kinnear's son and police reservist, also Walter, the investigation is at a very sensitive stage with a high-profile syndicate suspected to be involved. The rhino is believed to have been poached between Saturday night and Sunday morning, according to Kinnear Jr., after the bull went missing Sunday morning. The carcass was located on the farm with the help of a drone and the other rhinos were luckily all found unharmed. "The rhino's horns were not cut out, but removed in a professional manner with a razor-sharp, thin, flat knife between the skull and horns. They know what they're doing," Kinnear Jr. said. said.

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