240319003103: Proposed construction and operation of Agricultural Plots/Allotments and associated infrastructure on the Remainder of Swakopmund Town and Townlands No. 41
Publication Year:

The Municipality of Swakopmund has demarcated an area on the Remainder of Portion B of Swakopmund Town and Townland No.41 for urban agricultural activities. The demarcated area is located on the northeast of the town CBD, in proximity to the existing Swakopmund Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Landfill site. The demarcated area measures approximately 22.5ha and it will be divided into 90 plots. The agricultural allotments will be leased out to interested and qualified local farmers of which preferences will be given to woman, youth, and persons with disabilities. The agricultural activities to be permitted on these plots are primarily gardening (vegetables, fruits, and ornamental etc.) and limited animal farming such as poultry and rabbits. Livestock farming such as cattle, sheep, and goats will not be allowed. The intended activities will trigger activities listed under 7 (7.1 and 7.5) and No.8 (8.7) of the Environmental Management Act (EMA), 07 of 2007, and its Regulations of February 2012, that cannot be undertaken without Environmental Impact Assessment study being carried out.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Wednesday, 15 May 2024

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