240324003111: Renewal of BBA Dimension Stone Mining's Environmental Clearance Certificate in respect to dimension stone (marble quarrying and continued exploration) on Mining Claims (MC 75066, 75067 and 75068) within EPL 7950, north-east of Karibib, Erongo Region
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BBA Dimension Stone Mining cc seeks to continue to operate their dimension stone quarrying activities within their renewed Mining Claims (MC 75066, 75067 and 75068) within EPL 7950 in the Erongo Region, in respect to Dimension Stone (Marble Mining and continued exploration). Principally, BBA Dimension Stone Mining cc had obtained Mineral Rights as Mining Claims 70627, 70628 and 70629 (Ref No. 14/2/2/1/2/8126, on 28th May 2019) from the Ministry of Mines and Energy, and a complementary Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC 782, 21st July 2020) from the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism. The proponent now, wishes to renew the Environmental Clearance Certificate on the revised Mining Claims (MC 75066, 75067 and 75068) at the same location and area extent in order to continue their dimension stone quarrying and continued exploration and to be undertaken on a small-scale mining activities.
Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 7 May 2024

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