240401003127: Environmental Clearance Certificate for the proposed The Beauna Mining (Pty) Ltd.'s Application for Environmental Clearance Certificate in respect to the proposed construction and operation of a Hydrometallurgy Copper Plant near Sesfontein, Kunene Region
Publication Year:

In particular to this Scoping Assessment, Beauna Mining (Pty) Ltd envisages to build and operate a Hydrometallurgy Copper Plant near Sesfontein Settlement (about 6km to the east, Figure 1) to aid the process and advance to a point they are able to smelt their own products locally. Hence, the company has identified a land area of ~ 100 (Ha) hectares for which it wishes to obtain a leasehold and therefore the need for, in addition to other legislative requirements they seek to obtain an environmental clearance certificate for the proposed processing plant.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Monday, 22 April 2024

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