240311003049: Proposed township establishment on Portion 111 (a Portion of Portion 39) of Consolidated Farm Tsumore No. 761, Tsumeb, Oshikoto Region
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Urbanization and its impact on quality of life (or lack thereof) are two of the biggest challenges we face globally. Increasing urbanization has severe economic and social consequences for our society. Among them are overpopulation, pollution, inadequate infrastructure and overuse of natural resources, as well as rising property values and living costs. Urban planning has failed to accommodate a large influx of people, resulting in sprawling communities within the urban edge. In the end, large residential neighbourhoods with no sense of place and a low quality of life are the result. Establishing contemporary mixed land use urban villages is one solution to address the negative impacts of urbanization. In these villages, residents live a life in harmony with nature, minimizing consumption and making maximum use of resources for the best and healthiest lifestyle possible. Smaller mixed land use urban village settlements relieve cities' resources and infrastructure of the strain placed on them. The solution here is to bring back an age-old concept of living close to fertile agricultural land to supply fresh food daily, along with open, green spaces for recreation and well-being. Rainy Day Investments Thirty-Seven (Pty) Ltd (the proponent) has obtained Portion 111 (a Portion of Portion 39) of Consolidated Farm Tsumore No. 761, Tsumeb, Oshikoto Region. Accordingly, the above-mentioned property offers an excellent opportunity to establish a new mixed land use village that will significantly enhance the broad strategic and development objectives of the Tsumeb Municipality in line with the Tsumeb Structure Plan. Located south west of Tsumeb, the proposed development site is connected to the town by the B1. It is intended to augment the natural, rural Namibian landscape and use it as a guide for the design process of the site, capitalising on the rural character of the site. The goal is to create an enduring development that imposes little service burden on the Tsumeb Local Municipality. The Tsumeb Local Municipality will thus not be required to invest in infrastructure or provide services (sewer, water, and power) for this proposed development. The proponent appointed SED Consultancy in partnership with Environam Consultants Trading cc (ECT) to undertake the Environmental Assessment (EA) in order to obtain an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for the activities.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Wednesday, 10 April 2024

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