240306002963: Proposed subdivision of the Erf 7881, Kuisebmond Extension 10, and creation of a right of way (Street), Walvis Bay, Erongo Region
Publication Year:

Eco Engineering Services cc has purchased a property (Erf7881) measuring approximately 3115.82m2 from the Walvis Bay Municipality. The proponent intends to subdivide the property into small properties for the development of 10 individual houses. To proceed with the subdivision, a registered town planner was appointed to apply town planning procedures as follows. Subdivision of the Erf 7881 into 10 Portions and Remainder. Rezoning of 9 Portions (PNT 1-9) from General Residentials to "Single Residentials". Creation of a Public Road or right of way servitude (50mx6m) to provide access to Properties on Portion 9, 10 and 3. In terms of Schedule 10.2 (a) of the Environmental Management Act, No. 07 of 2007, and its Regulations (No. 03 of February 2012) the creation of a street (public road) cannot be undertaken without an Environmental Impact Assessment study being carried out. Green Gain Environmental Consultants cc has been appointed to conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study. Although the proposed activities of subdivision and creation of a right of way is not expected to result in any appreciable environmental impacts, the EIA study is being conducted as a compliance with the Schedule 10.2 (a) of the EMA to obtain an ECC for submission to the Urban and Regional Planning Board for the approval of the subdivision layout. Hence, given the relatively low impacts associated with the intended activities, it is recommended for the MEFT to consider issuing an Exemption Letter for submission to the Urban and Regional Planning Board instead of allowing for a full-scale EIA study.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Monday, 8 April 2024

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