
240205002776: Application for the renewal of an Environmental Certificate for mining activities on Mining Licence (ML 142), Karibib District, Erongo Region

Publication Year:
1. The Renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate is for: Continuation of an existing mining activity, for which the initial Environmental Clearance was obtained during June 2017 (see attached Appendix A to the cover letter), which requires authorization in terms of the Minerals (Prospecting and Mining) Act (No. 33 of 1992). 2. Details of the Activity(s) covered by the Environmental Clearance Certificate: 2.1 Title of the Activity Continuation of the mining for mineral dimension stone (i.e. marble and granite) on ML 142 held by Namibia Marble and Granite (PTY) Ltd. (NAMAGRA). 2.2 Location of Activity ML 142 site is located on private land, Farm Habis No. 71, situated within the Karibib District and Karibib Constituency, within the south eastern parts of Erongo Region. 2.3 Nature of Activity The activities undertaken at ML 142 are mining (quarrying) of mineral dimension stone (i.e. marble and granite), which is a natural stone or rock that has been selected based on its color, texture, pattern, compositions and surface finish, as per the marker demand. 2.4 Scale and Scope of the Activity The mining operations is still considered to be a small operation taking-up 2 ha. The activity entails the cutting of stone, storage on-site and transportation of blocks from ML142 to Walvis Bay harbor for export. The Project site consists of a site office, mining quarry areas; a reject waste area, two stock areas, a scrap yard (scrap machinery/metal), an explosives storage area, a work shed for the general servicing of plant and machinery, and staff accommodation in the form of sleeping quarters and ablution facilities. Freshwater is transported to the mine once a week, primarily for the use of human consumption. The current consumption is 5m³ per week. Water for mining activities is obtained from the old mined out area/pit or transported to the mine. Wastewater from the ablution facilities are collected in a septic tank, which is removed from site to Karibib Municipality on a weekly basis. Solid waste is separated into recyclable groups such as glass, plastic and paper. These recyclable items together with any other hazardous effluent e.g. oil, grease etc. is collected in drums and transported to Walvis Bay or Swakopmund where it is sold to recyclers and or disposed at the municipal landfill site. Electricity is supplied by Erongo RED grid via a 250kV power line. There is also a 133 kV solar plant onsite to supplement electricity requirements and an initiative to make use of renewable energy sources.
Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Friday, 8 March 2024

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