
A regional assessment of marine and coastal EbA in SADC

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Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) is the use of biodiversity and ecosystem services as part of an overall climate adaptation strategy to help people adapt to the adverse effects of climate change. EbA differs from traditional adaptation interventions in that it seeks to contribute toward three outcomes simultaneously, namely climate adaptation, biodiversity conservation and social well-being. While the recognition of EbA in national climate change responses has gained much traction in recent years, the focus thereof has been on terrestrial ecosystems as opposed to marine and coastal ecosystems. In Southern Africa, coastal communities account for a large percentage of the population; these groups are often poor, exposed to climate impacts, and rely directly on coastal and marine resources for their livelihoods. Under the Global Climate Change Alliance Plus Programme, the South African Institute of International Affairs implemented a project on 'Strengthening marine and coastal EbA in the national climate responses of SADC's coastal states'. This regional assessment serves as one of six key research outputs and gives an overall account of the current state of marine and coastal EbA in SADC. It examines practical EbA implementation examples, policy mainstreaming of EbA, financing mechanisms for EbA, and livelihood opportunities and community partnerships for scaling up EbA, focusing specifically on coastal and marine environments. Challenges and opportunities for EbA policy integration and on-the-ground implementation are also addressed, focusing on the special circumstances and specific needs of Southern African communities. While the role of oceans and coasts has been largely absent in national and international climate policy architectures, these ecosystems are extremely important for both climate adaptation and mitigation. For Southern Africa, this is particularly important given that coastal environments are home to a high concentration of biodiversity and people. Integrating coastal and marine EbA approaches into national and local climate adaptation plans and nationally determined contributions, as well as other sectoral policies, will help to procure finance to implement on-the-ground EbA projects. This will safeguard coastal communities against climate shocks, protect and promote sustainable management of biodiversity and enhance social well-being through increased income generation, livelihood opportunities and local resilience from the increased availability of coastal resources.

South African Institute of International Affairs
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Book or Magazine