
Study on indigenous medicinal knowledge in Caprivi Region; Field Trip Report

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Indigenous knowledge is defined as the uniqe knowledge in a given culture, which is passed on orally from generation to generation. This indigenous knowldege is regarded as valuable and considered as the local people's capital, and if not preserved, it may be lost forever to society. The study on Indigenous Medicinal Knowledge in Caprivi region was done in collaboration with the Directorate of Research Science and Technology (DRST) of the Ministry of Education, and was done as a continuing research work for the national survey on Traditional Healing in Namibia. The traditional medical systems are generally based on the uses of natural and local products which are commonly related to the people’s perspective on the world and life. Traditional African medicine is 'the sum total of practices, measures, ingredients and procedures of all kinds whether material or not, which from time immemorial has enabled the African to guard against diseases, to alleviate his/her suffering and to cure him/herself' . The traditional healing practices in Namibia have been studied by a number of researchers. The aim of this national survey will be to create a database based on the indigenous knowledge of medicinal plants used by traditonal healers and/or knowledge holders to treat a variety of ailments and diseases, as well as for cultural beliefs and practices. As such, the overall aim of this fieldtrip was to interview traditonal healers in the Caprivi region and retrieve as much information as possible with regarding to the uses of medicinal plants, and to collect voucher specimens to be deposited with the National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI), Windhoek, Namibia

Multidisciplinary Research Centre (MRC), University of Namibia
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