
231113002466: Renewal of ECC for the proposed establishment of four (4) township extensions of Omulunga Extension 9, 10, 11 and 12 on Remainder of Grootfontein Town and Townlands No. 754

Publication Year:

An environmental certificate, above referenced, was issued on the date 2020-06-05 to Grootfontein Municipality for the "Establishment of Four Township Extensions (9, 11, 12 and 13) on Portions 1 to 4 of the Remainder of the Farm Grootfontein Town and Townlands No. 754, Otjozondjupa Region". These portions were surveyed and approved by the Surveyor General as Portions 73, 81, 82 and 83. So far only one township, Omulunga Extension 9, has been established on Portion 73, Grootfontein Townlands No. 754. In the meantime, informal settlement has encroached on to the areas of Portions 73, 81, 82 and 83 to such an extent that the Municipality has is pushed to speed up its planning. It now wishes to proceed with the establishment of Omulunga Extension 11 on Portion 81 of Grootfontein Town and Townlands No. 754. Under Council Resolution OCM-49/04/08/2022 Council approved that application be made for the establishment of Omulunga Extension 11. Copy of this resolution and of the approved diagrams for the 4 portions are attached. As the appointed town and regional planners, John Heita, Urban and Regional Planners, are proceeding with the necessary application to be made to the Urban and Regional Planning Board. The natural environmental circumstances of Portion 81 have not changed. The only change is the growing threat of unauthorized informal settlement for accommodation of which, the establishment of Omulunga Extension 11 is urgently needed.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Sunday, 3 December 2023

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