
The Tree Pipit Anthus triviaus (Linnaeus) in southern Africa

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Recent texts credit the Eurasian Tree Pipit Anthus trivialis as having only two recognisable subspecies: the wide-ranging nominate race described from Sweden with a fine bill and lightly streaked lower forethroat and breast, and a southeastern, essentially montane, one o f the north-western Himalayas north to the Tien Shan in central Asia (A. t. haringtoni), with a broader bill and more densely streaked breast. Only the nominate race supposedly winters in Africa. Examination of material from eastern, central and southern Africa shows that three discrete forms occur and consequently the A.i. trivialis of Vaurie (1959) and other students is subspecifically composite. The forms reaching eastern and southern Africa are defined herein on the basis of freshly moulted recent specimens taken February/March - April and their tentative breeding ranges are outlined. One form, lacking a name, is described, this breeding in m ountainous country in the south of the species’ range (south of ca 43 N.) from eastern Turkey and the Transcaucasian region, east to the Elburz Range o f northern Iran and adjacent areas, and winters extensively in eastern Africa south to the northern Transvaal. An evolutionary basis for the variation in the nominate race o f authors is postulated. Comments on other subspecies not reaching eastern and southern Africa are also included

Publication Title:


Durban Museum Novitates

Item Type:
Journal Article