
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for the Digital Terrestrial Television Migration Process

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Subsequent to the 2006 Regional Radio Conference in Geneva, the Namibian Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) intends to migrate from analogue to digital television broadcasting by 17th June 2015. In order to achieve this, NBC inter alia aims to install 44 new antennae with associated infrastructure countrywide. In line with the Environmental Management Act (Act 7 of 2007) a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) process was followed to determine the scope and content of work to be undertaken at each site. Three environmental management consulting companies have been appointed to ensure that all biophysical and social implications of the project are identified and mitigated. The three consultancies are Enviro Dynamics, Knight Piésold and Enviro Management Consultants. Each of these consultancies was allotted a group of sites (see Figure below). Enviro Dynamics is responsible for the SEA and the integration of the work.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Sunday, 1 June 2014

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