
230711001702: The stage II expansion of the pilot tin processing plant including bulk sample sorting and testing facility on ML 134 Erongo Region

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Energy generation, transmission, and storage activities The construction of facilities for: (1a) The generation of electricity. (1b) The transmission and supply of electricity. External diesel generators are in use on site as emergency back-up power supply sources to skeleton operations in the event of a power failure. An existing 66 kilovolt powerline and associated infrastructure located within the Accessory Work Permit area of the ML will continue to be used. No upgrades are needed for the proposed Project. Waste management, treatment, handling, and disposal activities 2.1 The construction of facilities for waste sites, and the treatment and disposal of waste. 2.2 Any activity entailing a scheduled process referred to in the Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Ordinance Act, 1976. 2.3 The importing, processing, use and recycling, temporary storage, transit, or exporting, of waste. The following fall within provision 2.2: Any activity entailing a scheduled process referred to in the Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Ordinance, 1976. o Mining activities generate dust, monitored monthly. o Potential for noxious gas generation and emission. The following aspects fall within this provision: (2.3). The import, processing, use and recycling, temporary storage, transit, or export of waste. A BioMite sewage system has recently replaced the old Clarus Fusion Wastewater Treatment Plant, or WWTP sewage effluent water collection and treatment system. Sewage waste is pumped out of septic tanks onsite every quarter, or when required, by a local contractor and disposed of at the local evaporation ponds. A salvage yard collection and storage facility is in use within the area of the facilities. Overburden and processing plant waste minerals (>6mm) are transported and co-disposed on the WRD site located within the mining licence footprint. Solid and hazardous waste collection points are in use on the site. Hazardous waste is disposed of at an approved facility, or in an approved manner as per permitting. Mining and quarrying activities 3.1 The construction of facilities for any process or activities that require a licence, right or other form of authorisation, and the renewal of a licence, right or other form of authorisation, in terms of the Minerals (Prospecting and Mining) Act, 1992. 3.2 Other forms of mining or extraction of any natural resources, whether regulated by law or not. 3.3 Resource extraction, manipulation, conservation, and related activities. The current brownfields operations are permitted under an approved mining licence (ML134). The resource, tin and tantalum ore within pegmatite, is mined and extracted within the processing plant to produce tin and tantalum concentrates. The process crushes the ore and separates the denser tin and related minerals (tantalum) from the pegmatite, primarily through gravity type separation. No chemicals are used in the separation process, other than ferrosilicon to enhance dense media separation; the FeSi medium is recovered and reused. The bulk sample, sorting and testing facility will utilise sensors containing radioactive sources to sort ore and chemical reagents (hydrofluoric, sulphuric acid and caustic soda) in the petalite lithium concentrator plant. Forestry activities 4. The clearance of forest areas, deforestation, afforestation, timber harvesting, or any other related activity that requires authorisation in terms of the Forest Act, 2001 (No. 12 of 2001) or any other law. Vegetation clearing will be required for site construction and infrastructure establishment. Necessary licences and permits will be obtained for the clearing of protected species Before operations, vegetation clearing will be required. Vegetation may also be removed as the project develops Water resource developments 8.1 The abstraction of ground or surface water for industrial or commercial purposes. 8.2 The abstraction of groundwater at a volume exceeding the threshold authorised in terms of the law relating to water resources. 8.5 Construction of dams, reservoirs, levees, and weirs. 8.6 Construction of industrial and domestic wastewater treatment plants and related pipeline systems. 8.8 Construction and other activities in watercourses within flood lines. 8.9 Construction and other activities within a catchment area. - Mining operations will continue to utilize groundwater and surface water sources for their processing requirements, and dust suppression. Potable water will continue to be sourced from NamWater. - Currently, there is an abstraction permit that allows for 150 000 cubic meters abstraction threshold per year valid for three years. This was increased from the 75 000 cubic meters authorised volume to supply production needs. - The Project will entail the installation of a new clean water channel (CWC) stormwater channel and berm around the processing plant as well as an upgrade of the existing settling and water return ponds, all to increase the availability of recycle and reusable water. - The Project falls within the Ugab catchment area. Hazardous substance treatment, handling, and storage 9.1 The manufacturing, storage, handling, or processing of hazardous substance defined in the Hazardous Substances Ordinance, 1974. 9.2 Any process or activity that requires a permit, licence, or other form of authorisation, or the modification of, or changes to, existing facilities for any process or activity that requires amendment of an existing permit, licence or authorisation, or which requires a new permit, licence or authorisation in terms of governing the generation or release of emissions, pollution, effluent, or waste. 9.4 The storage and handling of dangerous goods, including petrol, diesel, liquid petroleum, gas, or paraffin, in containers with the combined capacity of more than 30 cubic meters at one location. The mining operations and proposed process plant triggers this activity, as both fuel and hazardous substances are required for mining and processing. Bulk fuel is stored onsite for refuelling the mining fleet and for backup power from onsite generators. Consumer installation certificates are required for bulk fuel storage and dispensing. Hazardous reagents will be used within the petalite lithium beneficiation plant, in addition to the current fuels and lubricants and related maintenance and consumable hydrocarbons and petrochemical for operating and maintaining the fleet. Licences will be obtained for hazardous substances and their storage and use on site. The relevant certificate to erect a building that will store and use hazardous chemicals (i.e., Hydrofluoric and sulphuric acid) will also be obtained.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Thursday, 27 July 2023

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