
230511001466: Application for ECC for prospecting of nuclear fuel minerals, base and rare metals, dimension stones, industrial minerals and non-nuclear fuel minerals on EPLs 8208 and 8946 in the Arandis and Karibib Constituencies, Erongo Region, Namibia

Publication Year:

New application for the Prospecting of Nuclear Fuel Minerals, Base and Rare Metals, Dimension Stones, Industrial Minerals and Non-Nuclear Fuel Minerals on EPLs 8208 and 8946 in the Arandis and Karibib Constituencies, Erongo Region โ€“ Namibia The EPLs 8208 and 8946 are located in the Namib Naukluft National Park, about 55km southeast of Arandis, and 100km east of Swakopmund. There are existing mining activities in the area, including the Langer Heinrich Mine just south of the two EPLs, Husab Mine located about 25km to the northwest and Rossing about 40km in the same direction.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 18 July 2023

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