
230208000962: Application for renewal of Environmental Clearance Certificate to continue with an authorised listed activitiy (quarry activitiy) at ML 38 and 104, Walvis Bay District, Erongo Region

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1. THE ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE RENEWAL IS FOR: Continuation of an existing mining activity, for which the initial Environmental Clearance was obtained during July 2014, which requires authorization in terms of the Minerals (Prospecting and Mining) Act (No. 33 of 1992). 2. DETAILS OF THE ACTIVITY(S) COVERED BY THE ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE: 2.1 Title of the Activity Continuation of the mining (quarrying) for mineral dimension stone (i.e. granite) at ML38 and 104. 2.2 Location of Activity ML 38 and 104 is located within the Walvis Bay District and also falls within the Walvis Bay Urban Constituency and the Dorob National Park, situated within the southern parts of the Erongo Region being one of Namibia`s western regions. 2.3 Nature of Activity The activities undertaken at ML 38 and 104 are mining (quarrying) of mining dimension stone (i.e. granite), which is a natural stone or rock that has been selected based on its colour, texture, pattern and surface finish, as per the market demand. 2.4 Scale and Scope of Activity The Project site consists of a site office, one mining quarry, one reject waste area, three stock areas, an explosives storage area, and work shed within the boundaries of the site office, and accommodation for the security guard in the form of sleeping quarters and ablution facilities.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Friday, 9 June 2023

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