
230328001210: Application for ECC for construction of seed processing plant at Okashana Research Station under the Namibia Agricultural Mechanisation and Seed Improvement Project

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Implementing the Namibia Agricultural Mechanisation and Seed Improvement Project (NAMSIP) through the Ministry of Agriculture, Water, and Land Reform (MAWLR). The project is being implemented over a period of 5 years and is co-funded by the African Development Bank (AfDB). The Project has 2 components, namely: (a) Component 1 - Value Chain Improvement, with 2 sub-components, (i) Agricultural Mechanisation and (ii) Certified Seed Systems Improvement; and (b) Component 2 - Institutional Support, with 2 sub-components, (i) Capacity Building, and (ii) Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation. The agricultural mechanisation scheme will be implemented in all 14 Regions of Namibia. In contrast, the seed systems development scheme will be implemented in the Kavango East, Kavango West, Ohangwena, Oshana, Omusati, Oshikoto, Omaheke, Otjozondjupa, Kunene (Northern part), and Zambezi Regions. The Ministry is planning to construct five (5) Seed Processing plants at existing centres namely; Kalimbeza Research Station, Okashana Research Station, Omahenene Research Station, Katwitwi Industrial Park, and Mashare Irrigation Training Centre. It is for this background that the ECC is required to construct and operate the seed processing plant at Kalimbeza Research Station. It is for this background that the ECC is required to construct and operate the seed processing plant at Okashana Research Station.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Monday, 24 April 2023

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