
230208000968: Renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for mining of industrial minerals on three Mining Claims (69263, 69264 and 69265), sand mining in Otjongava River and bricks making project at Otjongava Village, Opuwo in Kunene Region

Publication Year:

Mr. Jasper Theron Uys of Kunene Crush Stone cc was granted an Environmental Clearance Certificate for the following activities at Otjongava village, Opuwo in Kunene Region. Small-scale mining on three mining claims (69263, 69264 & 69265). Sand mining activities in Otjongava River. Bricks Making project Due to the economic meltdown over the recent years, all activities have been on halt since 2015. The proponent has found new investments and intends to commence with the operations as initial planned. The initial ECC was issued on the 14 June 2017 and had expired on the 14 June 2020. The initial ECC was erroneously issued in the company’s name (Kunene Crush Stone cc), hence the request to issue the new ECC to Jasper Theron Uys, P. O. Box 120, Opuwo. Since the Mining Claims are registered under the personal name.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Monday, 6 March 2023

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