
221201000534: Application for renewal of Environmental Clearance Certificate for the proposed exploration / prospecting in the Mining License (EPL) No. 168, Rehoboth Townland, Hardap Region, South Central Namibia

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The ECC is required by the Proponent (Africa Huaxia Mining (Pty) Ltd) with respect to the proposed resumption of mining and exploration activities in the Mining Licence (ML) No. 168. Africa Huaxia Mining (Pty) Ltd holds base, rare metal and precious metals mineral rights over the Swartmodder Copper Mine situated in the Mining Licence (ML) No. 168. The ML 168 covering a total area of 10285.9 Ha, was granted on the 16th January 2011 and will expire on the 17th January 2026. The Swartmodder Copper Mine within the ML 168 is situated about 6 km to the south of the town of Rehoboth in the Hardap Region. The mine operations have utilised the old adits to access the underground ore body. The following is the summary of the Swartmodder Copper mine operations covered by the ML 168: Mining License (ML) No.: 168. Name of the Mine: Swartmodder Copper mine. Proponent: Africa Huaxia Mining (Pty) Ltd. ML Granted on: 16th January 2011. ML Expire on: 17th January 2026. Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) Granted on 20th January 2020 and expiring 20th January 2023 (Fig. 1.1). Copper Resources: 500 000 tons at 2.5 % Cu. Daily metal production: 2.3 tons Cu, and. Life of the ongoing mining and exploration operations: 15 years with possible 10 years extension. The underground conventional long-hole open stopping / room and pillar mining techniques has been used to mine the copper deposit. Due to operational issues as well as the low copper prices on the international market, no mining activities has taken place for the period under review. Commercial operations were suspended in 2018.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Thursday, 5 January 2023

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