
221103000256: Application for Renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for Maurel and Prom Namibia Proposed Multiple Five (5) Wells Drilling Operations in the Petroleum Exploration License (PEL) No. 44, Block 2212B, Offshore, Walvis Basin and Logistic Support Port of Walvis Bay (Shore Base) and Walvis Bay International Airport / Arandis Airport (Aviation Base), Central Offshore Namibia

Publication Year:

The renewal of the current ECC expiring on the 29th January 2023 is required by M & P Namibia (Pty) Ltd, and partners for the proposed drilling of multiple wells within PEL No. 44 starting with an initial five (5) wells drilling programme. The decision to drill all the proposed initial five (5) wells as well as the drilling of additional more wells will be subject to the positive outcomes of the first two (2) wells that will be drilled. The names, locations in Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system and water depths of the initial proposed five (5) wells are: (i) Aurora 1: X (m) 254481, Y(m) 7487126 and water depth -1272 m. (ii) Aurora 2: X (m) 254481, Y(m) 7487126 and water depth -1225 m. (iii) Serenade 1: X (m) 265826, Y(m) 7488567 and water depth -926 m. (iv) Serenade 2: X (m) 265959, Y(m) 7487732 and water depth -930 m. and (v) Harmony 1: X (m) 262656, Y (m) 7486971 and water depth -1030 m. The logistical arrangements will use Windhoek as the local headquarters, Walvis Bay Port as the shore / operations base and Walvis Bay International Airport or Arandis Airport as the Aviation support base. The distances from the proposed well locations to the Port of Walvis Bay are: Aurora-1X (196 km), Aurora-2X (195 km), Harmony-1X (188 km), Serenade-1X (185 km) and Serenade-2X (185 km). Distance from the proposed well locations within the Area of Interest (AOI) to the nearest Namibian coastline (Pelican Point, Walvis Bay) are: Aurora-1X (188 km), Aurora-2X (187 km), Harmony-1X (180 km), Serenade-1X (177 km) and Serenade-2X (177 km). The drilling operations is estimated to last between 40 to 60 days per well and will be undertaken using either a dynamically positioned drillship or semisubmersible rig. The drilling operations will use seawater, Water Based Mud with Synthetic-Based Mud (SBM) may however be used if required and once the Blowout Preventer (BOP) has been installed. The estimated Total Depths (TD) for each well in meters below mean sea level (mbmsl) are: Aurora-1X: 4450 m, Aurora-2X: 4410 m, Serenade-1X: 4390 m, Serenade-2X, 4390 m and Harmony-1X, 3530 m. Each well is estimated to yield drill cuttings volume of between 550-650 cubic meters. Approximately 300 – 400 cubic meters of cuttings per well will be generated in the top holes sections that will be drilled with seawater and water-based mud sweeps. As these sections are drilled without a riser, approximately 300 – 400 cubic meters of cuttings will be discharged from each well directly to the seabed. After the riser is run the remainder of the well will be drilled with a closed circulating system and cuttings will be filtered from the mud system on the rig floor.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Thursday, 15 December 2022

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