
Cheilanthes dinteri Brause


Rhizome shortly creeping, 3-4 mm in diameter; rhizome scales elongate-triangular in outline, apex hairpointed, margin entire, up to 3 mm long, dark brown, concolorous. Fronds monomorphic, tufted, erect. Stipe stout, up to 16 cm long, dark brown, grooved, with scattered dark brown, hair-like scales, more so towards the rhizome. Lamina 2- or 3-pinnatifid, lanceolate to ovate-deltate in outline, basal pinnae not basiscopically developed, 8-24 x 2.3-8 cm; pinnae c. 13 pairs, petiolate, 5 x 2.5 cm; pinnules 3-5 pairs, triangular in outline, 1-1.4 x 0.7-1.2 cm; ultimate segments narrowly oblong to linear in outline, margin serrate or incised, glabrous on both surfaces; veins free, obscure; rhachis and costae dark to reddish brown, glabrous. Sori marginal, small; indusium discontinuous, entire to crenate, up to 1 mm wide. This fern was first found in 1907 by M.K. Dinter (1868-1945), German botanist.

Pteridophytes of Africa
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