
APP-0010319: Township establishment, creation of street and installation of bulk services for Cloud 9 Residential Estate, Omaruru, Erongo Region

Publication Year:

The environmental clearance certificate is for: Activity 10.1 (a) Infrastructure - The construction of oil, water, gas and petrochemical and other bulk supply pipelines; Activity 10.1 (b) Infrastructure - The construction of Public roads Activity 10.2 (a) Infrastructure - The route determination of roads and design of associated physical infrastructure where it is a public road Activity 8.6 Water Resource Developments - Construction of industrial and domestic wastewater treatment plants and related pipeline systems Activity 5.3 Land use and development activities - Construction of game proof boundary fence Activity 8.1 Water Resource Developments - Abstraction of groundwater The project involves the following: Subdivision of the Remainder of the Farm Omaruru Town and Townlands No 85 into Portion A (comprising of approximately 159 hectare) and Remainder. Rezoning of newly created "Portion A" from “Agriculture” to “Undetermined” for township establishment purposes. Layout and township establishment approval of the "Cloud 9 Residential Estate" on "Portion A".

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 12 July 2022

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