
APP-003397: The proposed Sandpiper Marine Phosphate Project, within ML 170, offshore, Namibia

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The proposed project is located within mining licence ML 170 and is referred to as the Sandpiper Marine Phosphate Project (referred to as "the Project" herein). Namibian Marine Phosphate (Pty) Ltd (hereafter referred to as "The Proponent"), is the official applicant for the proposed project and environmental clearance application. The environmental clearance certificate is for the proposed mining or dredging operations for the recovery of marine phosphate sediments within ML 170 located offshore on the Namibian continental shelf. The mining licence is for industrial minerals. The primary activity to be undertaken is the mining or dredging of industrial minerals, specifically phosphatic sediments within ML 170 . The following activities are envisaged, which may be further defined as the mining program is refined: - Mining or dredging of phosphatic sediments - Sampling (coring and bulk sampling) for mineral resource and ore reserve development - Environmental survey, sampling and monitoring Mining activities shall take place within the boundaries of mining licence ML 170. The mining licence comprises an area of 2,233 km2 and is located offshore approximately 120 km southwest of Walvis Bay. The initial 20-year mining target comprises an area of approximately 50 km² within ML 170 representing approximately 2.2% of the total mining licence area of 2,233 km².

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Monday, 13 June 2022

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