
APP-003850: BigenKuumba Port Services Terminal at Namport for storage and handling of industrial minerals, base and rare metals, Walvis Bay, Erongo Region

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Namibia has a rich history of mining that spans well over 400 years. The country is home to a diversity of minerals including diamonds, uranium, special high grade zinc, gold, blister copper, lead and zinc concentrate to mention a few. This endowment makes mining the largest contributor to the country’s economy in terms of revenue. Namibia has also made great strides to position itself as a regional logistic hub in the Southern African region. Through the Walvis Bay Corridors, the port of Walvis Bay is linked to major cities and towns in SADC such as Gaborone, Johannesburg, Livingstone, Ndola, Lubumbashi, Santa Clara etc. Another benefit is that Namibia is seen as a trade logistic alternative to South African and East-African trade channels that are experiencing challenges including multiple inefficient border crossings, worsening security, xenophobia and social instability. Namibia is becoming an increasingly attractive investment option for South African manufacturers, mining companies seeking to beneficiate resources and logistics enterprises seeking a more cost effective location. Customers that understand the comparative advantages of Namibia and the strategic value of utilising BigenKuumba Port Services as a service provider. Based on the above BigenKuumba saw the opportunity to facilitate trade in commodities between these markets and overseas clients. In addition to contributing to the local economic development of Walvis Bay Town in particular and the country in general, job opportunities will be created with approximately 48 jobs directly and about 400 jobs indirectly.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Monday, 13 June 2022

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