
APP-003390: Amendment of and renewal of the !Uris Irrigation Project involves, the dividing of the irrigation project between three individually owned farm portions, that falls on farm Uris 481 and farm Bobos 544 to the west of Tsumeb in the Oshikoto Region, Namibia

Publication Year:

There are new proposed stakeholders that wants to join the irrigation scheme and have farms in proximity to the current project on farm Uris. The area under irrigation will remain the same as approved under the current ECC but will be divided into four equal 125 ha portions on 4 separate individually owned farms. This amendment includes three of the four farms, of which two portions fall on farm Uris 481 and one portion lies to the south of farm Uris on farm Bobos 544. This suggests that the amendment will only include a 375 ha area irrigation scheme. However, the current amendment and renewal application only covers three of the four farms. The fourth farm is reserved as a future site and the owner of the farm will be responsible to conduct a separate ESIA.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Friday, 10 June 2022

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