
APP-003260: Environmental Scoping Assessment (ESA) for the subdivision and rezoning of Public Open Spaces (POS) namely; POS Erf 231 and POS Erf 233 to erect ErongoRed Substations on a 120 sqm portion of each Erf at Matutura Proper, Swakopmund

Publication Year:

Quintessential Trading and Consultancy Pty Ltd has been instructed by the Municipality of Swakopmund to undertake all the statutory procedures to subdivide and rezone Public Open Spaces Erf 231 measuring; 2556 sqm and Erf 233 measuring 6261 sqm located at; Matutura Proper/Block 18 a Portion of 141 ( A Portion of Portion 137) of the Farm Swakpomund Town and Townlands No 41 in the Municipality of Swakopmund measuring 22,4518 hectares, comprising of 233 erven (numbered 1-230, 3 public spaces numbered 231-233, Institutional and Remainder Streets. The two POS Erf 231 located at Latitude 22.636824° and Longitude 14.553018° and Erf 233 located at Latitude 22.638938° and Longitude 14.551277° must be subdivided, rezoned and a Substation erf measuring 10x12m/120 sqm in size on a portion of each Public Open Space created to be zoned “parastatal” in terms of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme to energise Matutura Proper.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Thursday, 5 May 2022

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