
APP-002856: Application for Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for the Maria Nandelila Veii Mining Claim (MCs) No. 72264-72273, Farm Otjeherani (Sterkfontein) No. 216, Okahandja District, Otjozondjupa Region, North Central Namibia

Publication Year:

The Proponent intends undertake exploration activities using exploration techniques/ methods such as geophysical surveys, geological mapping, trenching, drilling, bulk sampling, and laboratory tests followed by small-scale manganese test mining and mining operations. If economic manganese deposits are discovered within the MCs area, the Proponent will implement small-scale manganese mining operations. The following is the summary of the envisaged multi-phased project development process that will be implemented if the proposed and ongoing exploration is successful: (i) Feasibility, planning and permitting. (ii) Preconstruction and site clearing for the open pit mining areas and supporting infrastructure area such as onsite and offsite workers accommodation, administration block, processing plant area, storage, tailings and rock waste dumps, external and internal access/ transportation system, and all related services points for water and energy supplies. (iii) Construction of the proposed mine and all the supporting infrastructure. (iv) Mine operation, processing, stockpiling, transportation via road or new rail link to Walvis Bay through Okahandja for manganese export. The mining operations will be supported by ongoing monitoring and rehabilitation, and. (v) Decommissioning, final rehabilitation, closure, and aftercare. The proposed exploration and small-scale mining activities will be implemented as soon as all the required regulatory permits such as the Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) have been granted by the Government as well as all key agreements have been concluded with the land owners, contractors, and services providers.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 26 April 2022

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