
Regional Water Strategy, Final Draft, June 2006

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The SADC organization was formed with the primary objective of integration and cooperation among member states. Water is a critical factor to the integrated and cooperative socio-economic development of the region. As such, the coordinated, sustainable and integrated development and management of the region's water resources will contribute to the SADC goal for an integrated regional economy built on the basis of balance, equity and mutual benefit for all Member States. Water management particularly supports the SADC objectives of poverty reduction, food security, energy security and industrial development, as well as being an instrument to promote peace and cooperation amongst Member States. Flowing from the RISDP the SADC Regional Water Policy (RWP) highlights various opportunities for water management to achieve the SADC goal and objectives, as well as other recognised international and regional targets such as the Millennium Development Goals, the goals of the African Union on water through AMCOW and NEPAD, and the Southern African Vision for Water Life and the Environment. This document is the Regional Water Strategy, which gives effect to the Regional Water Policy. The RWP deals with the 'What' on regional water issues pertaining to best practices. This strategy document adds the 'How' element. Detailed Strategic five-year Plans will flow out of the RWS adding the 'Who' and 'When' of the process. The SADC Secretariat has primary responsibility for promoting, coordinating and monitoring the implementation of the RWS, primarily through coordination and facilitation of resources for the RSAP2 (and successor versions) projects.

Final Draft
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