
APP-003396: Environmental Impact Assessment for the proposed establishment of lithium mine on Mining Licence (ML) 243, Omaruru, Erongo Region

Publication Year:

Xinfeng Investments (Pty) Ltd intends to carry out Lithium mining operations on Mining Licence area (ML) 243 within Exclusive Prospective Licence (EPL) 7228. The assessment covers the Lithium open pit mine and supporting infrastructures for the following developmental stages: Construction, operation, ongoing monitoring and rehabilitation, decommissioning, closure and aftercare. In the proposed project, Lithium will be mined from pegmatites using conventional open pit mining technique. The operations will include mining and beneficiation processes which will involve extraction of ore, crushing, grinding, sorting, dense medium separation, gravity separation, magnetic separation, further purification and washing to refine the ore and prepare it for further mineral processing. The proposed mining activities falls under the activities that are listed in the Environmental Management Act, 2007 (Act No. 7 of 2007) and EIA Regulations (2012). These activities cannot be undertaken without an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC).

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Wednesday, 16 February 2022

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